Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas is almost Here!

It's coming soon, the best time of the year....Christmas vacation! There's only one week of school to survive after this one. Then we get the greatest time of year.
I'm pretty excited for it, my house is decorated. The holiday music is playing...and I'm watching my favorite Christmas movies...like Elf!!! Hopefully we get some snow over Christmas break, because it would be fun to go snowboarding, skiing, and sledding.
I usually don't care that much about presents, although they are cool. I just enjoy the happiness of the season! =] Its great when everyone is smiling and getting together with friends and family. I hope everybody has a great holiday season!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Im better then Terry at Wow ....

Savedurlife... Armory it

Blog whats it for?

What are you supposed to write in a blog?


No idea what to write in a blog, will think of something later.
For now, enjoy the crayon.


Technology is always there to help. it never changes its minds on you. it also is expensive.

technology always is there to contribute for good or evil. Technology never gets mad. Technology

Technology is always diffrent. It usually is for entertainment. you can learn from technology.

hello there from Mr. LaRue

wow, look how large I can type!

Mr. L

Star Wars

Well Star Wars is Star Wars and everyone should know what it is. If you do not know what Star Wars is, just stop reading this please. For everyone else that hasn't been living under a rock for the past 30 years, let us begin.
Star Wars is GOD! If you would like more information on this God-like being, please visit the following sites:
The Galactic Empire Data Bank
Links to good sites
Starwarsjunkie and company is not responcible and or liable for any opinions expressed on the before stated websites but does completly support them.
Finally, please post any coments that supports STARWARS and related topics to this post. All other posts are not sanctioned by STARWARSJUNKIE its subsideraries unless stated by the official source or have the correct poster. LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!